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What are your favorite emojis?

I don’t often use emojis. I know I’m going to sound like an old crabby person 🦀, but I don’t really like emojis. I use 👍 a lot and ❤️. Yet, I wouldn’t call them favorites🤩.

I really didn’t know much about emojis, so I did an internet 🛜 search. I discovered the top five favorites: 😂👍❤️🤣😢. I also discovered that emojis have a dark side. After reading what some emojis and combinations of emojis mean to some people, well … 🙈.

Categories: Sample writing

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Douglas Knight

I write about what I'm thinking or what I've imagined in an effort to regain that childhood imagination and marry with my many years of real experiences. I'm getting better at it the more I write.I am a published author of two romantic intrigue novels.My books can be found at or if you want a personalized copy, by emailing me at

1 reply

  1. It’s interesting how emojis can mean different things to different people! 😅👍 It’s always good to learn more about the nuances of communication in the digital age.
